Blue Tour
What does come to our minds when we say Blue Tour? Endless seas, the blue meets the green like a dream of achild or a painter’s love in his cove. What is happening inthis picture then? Is it the view only that takes us away? Oris it the feeling we have when it is said a blue tour? Thefeeling of relaxation, the sweetness of being in love, thedrunkenness of feeling warm and cool, safe and free, all ofus going out for the blue tours, throwing ourselves into thelap of the blue. We want to the smell of the sea be togetherwith our hair, our skin, we look at the sea when we call theblue tour for its smell, the sound of the wind and many moreunexplainable emotions...In big cities, we get tired, we are working, and we aredepressed most of the time. Silence is now foreign to us.Lights, colors, laughter and cries are all mingling in the year.What are we getting tired for? Where will it go? Okay, we'reall depressed, we've got to get down into the arms ofnature. We know how we can do this. During the year we donot think much, but we understand that when the heat ofthe Aegean and Mediterranean coasts hit our faces in thatrush. Let's look at that direction. Let’s see that so it canembrace us, the wind can caress us, and we can go back tobasics, to the nature...It's time to rent a boat. We will be guests in the blue watersof the comfort of our home with its white wings. We'll spoilourselves with good cuisine. All our fatigue will flow from ourshoulders. The meaning of the blue tour will be to findourselves and to forget ourselves at the same time.I'd like to take you on a tour first. We came out of Istanbul,hot, crowded, noisy and running to the arms of Bodrum. Weknow that we will embrace love. It's the first thing that wesee in Bodrum, the edge of the cliff, isn't it? The fishermanof Halicarnassus, with a poem by Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı,meets you with the sunset, the shining sea, and salt andoleander scents coming from the streets.Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı was also here, he looked for morewith the taste of Bodrum, Azra Erhat and Bedri RahmiEyüboğlu, perhaps he looks for it in a sip of rakı in his table.It was his passion, but this was a trip with the small fishingboat to, to see, to touch, to smell, to tell the others about
them. He told us enough, so that we realized thesebeauties. The Blue Tour began like this and entered ourlives. Now, we all have that inheritance from Cevat Sakir.After landing in Bodrum, we went to rental boats. They willbe our home in the coming days. They'll be a whole newfamily with its captain, his crew. We're landing in the harbor.The giant masts of the boats are drawing a beautiful pictureagain. It's like we're in a big castle, and all these boats feellike they're rooms of this castle. The crew of the rented boatmeets us then. I have already forgot the crowd of the bigcity, its tiredness. I let the blue tour took me already awayfrom everything.We start to take sailing slowly. We don't know what willhappen. If you are imaginative, you will turn your face to thesunset for two minutes and you will create your legendswith the wind that hits your face. I don't know if you'vefallen in love with the mermaids or you're fighting with thepirates, but you've already gone, and you've already takenthe beauties of the blue cruise as if you never wanted to goback from that magical world.The stars already started to blink. We ate our food, the windis getting colder a bit now, I get goose bumps, but I'm justlaughing with a feeling of nice grip that caresses me. Thecrew of the rental boat is quite ready, of course, they knowthat we don't want to think about anything, except for thenights and days we want to spend perfectly. But thatmoonlight on the sea, isn't it the dance of little shining cutecreatures in the sea? I, can't get enough of it to watch. Thisis my favorite moment in a blue voyage, you can fall asleepwith the feeling of cold in the evenings, you fall asleep inthe slight shaky of the boat, the sea and the sand has left asweet fatigue and you will leave it slowly.The morning of the blue tour is also different from themorning of the city. Again, we wake up by witnessing thesweet rush of the boat's crew. When you see them, smile ontheir faces is just for us to see that breakfast table, and wecry in happiness. The smell of tomatoes, peppers, all thosecheese and vegetables cannot be found in the city, I ampretty sure. I'm not even talking about the scent of thesweet sea around you. We're pretty good at breakfast, but
not too exaggerated. we're going to drown ourselves in theblue waters, right?The sun slowly warmed here up a bit, so we jump into thedeep blue waters crushing of the cold water and waking usup. Then we want to go far a bit as if the sea calling for us.But it is interesting that I do not only want to swim but alsodrink that salty water, it smells so clean, it seems that Icannot believe every time. The green meets the blues,everything is dancing around me.Of course, not only the beauty of Bodrum, Fethiye,Marmaris, Gokova are taking all the blue round is taking.There are memories, we meet beautiful people constantly,as if they met them in these clean beautiful places, theirhearts are always smiling, they are welcoming us on theseshores. It is such an intimacy that we think that the guestsof the country, not to visit their guests are almost welcome.Not only the history of people but also fascinates every timeyou touch. It does not come to the people of such anexperience, all these remains, ruined cities on the fallenmountains. The more he reads, the more he draws himselfall those ancient cities. Are these theaters, the libraries, theplaces where people have traveled, shopped, and foughtcenturies ago? Another pivotal part of the blue tour is thefact that these bays have taken care of these historicalvalues and how it protects them.We return to our rental boat every day with sweet fatigue. Iknow one of the sweetest feelings of the blue voyage isthat. Because, the crew just takes that fatigue away fromyour shoulder as if it takes your jacket. We feed our stomachagain at sea scented tables. Zeki Müren's songs areaccompanied by the smell of anise, and we know he washere as well: another Bodrum lover, who took inspirationfrom Bodrum and inspired Bodrum. We hear our hearts witha smile on our faces, then we can hear our own voiceperhaps for the first time, everyone is just listening theirowns thanks to nature’s warm and cuddles. Of course, I getdrunk from these feelings, and again I sleep in the in themollusk bosom of the boat, like a mother’s lap.The last days of sadness crashes a little now, doesn’t it? Thenoise of the city is already in my ears, but the blue roar, thenoise of the sea rustle is still fighting the ruthlessness of the
city, and you know that you will come back here, you knowthat already. It is always there, these beauties, this nature,this green, this blue, that boat, your house, your mother,your father, your brother or sister they are always, eventhey are your lover. The crew says a tempting goodbye witha nice ceremony, saying that come back again. Thank youall for all your work and this amazing blue voyage again...